Born and raised in Japan, Chiggy Schiller is a young Australian fashionista inspired by the draping techniques of Madeleine Vionnet, the French haute couture designer known as the “queen of the bias cut” and “the architect among dressmakers”.
Chiggy’s designs capture the essence of Japan, ‘wabi-sabi’ – a mindful approach to every day life and the aesthetic defined as ‘the beauty of things that are imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete’.
DesignLab used stunning monochrome photography to dramatise the beautiful clothes Chiggy’s makes by hand and with love and to capture her detail, personality and pursuit of excellence in a contemporary shopping cart website.
View website Website Design Adelaide
Client: Chiggy Schiller
Skills: Graphic Design, Website Development, CMS
Tools: Adobe InDesign, Adobe PhotoShop, WordPress